Join us! Tutors are always needed. It only takes 1-2 hours per week! You help transform lives through literacy.
Special Thank YouTutor Training Materials
Tutor Training Handbook
Current Tutors Please Submit Your Students Progress Reports Below:
Tutors Needed Throughout
Kern County. Kern Literacy Council is currently recruiting volunteer tutors to help us provide services to our ever-growing list of students.
If you have 1-to-2 hours per week to give, you can make a life-changing difference for a Kern County resident or residents. Online or in-person at one of our partner site, you can make a difference today! Our biggest need is for Child Basic Education tutors to work with students on a one-to-one basis. No special skills are needed. Training and most materials are provided.
Please help us increase the skills of Kern County residents and transform lives through literacy. Kern County 2022-23 English Language Arts Achievement LevelsState of California 2022-23 English Language Arts Achievement Levels. |